Preparing a child to sit the 11+ can be confusing at the best of times, especially when this is the first child of yours to sit the 11+. Unfortunately, you only get one shot at the 11+ so it’s important to make sure that you have all of the important information at your fingertips well in advance of the exam.
The Olave’s exam is by far the most difficult exam in the Kent area and the school has no catchment area, making its exams extremely competitive. St. Olave’s has consistently ranked as one of the top 10 schools in the country and many of their students travel from as far as 50 miles away to school each day.
As spaces at the school are highly sought after, we recommend starting at least some form of preparation at least 2 years in advance of the test (at the beginning of Year 4). If you would prefer not to have tuition at that early stage, it is essential that you work with your child at home, ensuring they know their times tables, introducing them to verbal and non-verbal reasoning, and introducing them to a range of reading materials.
To help you to navigate your way around the St. Olave’s 11+, we’ve put together a cheat sheet to help you to be fully prepared for both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the exam.

For information on how Kin Learning can help your son to prepare for the St. Olave’s exam, visit our 11+ tuition page or read about our 11+ summer schools.
To arrange an 11+ mock test for St. Olave’s or another local exam, click here. Mock tests are held throughout the year in Bromley and in Sidcup.